Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Meet Entry Due Date: CCS Age Group

Our third meet entry deadline is right around the corner! This meet is a two day meet (Saturday and Sunday). You may sign your swimmer(s) up for one day only, or both days, just be sure to specify within your e-mail if you would like to do both days, only Saturday, or only Sunday. There are no time standards for this meet - it is open to all swimmers. 12 & Under swimmers are in the morning session, and 13 & Over swimmers are in the afternoon session.

The due date for entries is this Friday May 11th.  Please send your entries to neonswimming@gmail.comBe sure to provide the name(s) of your swimmer(s) in the e-mail. Coaches are more than happy to select which events are best for your swimmer, but if you would like to choose please specify within the e-mail which events you have chosen.

Also, make sure you check out our How to Guide: Nutrition for Swim Meets to learn about the best fuel for your swimmer before and during a competition!

Canton City Schools Age Group & Open Swim Meet

MEET DATE: June 2 & 3, 2012

LOCATION:  C.T. Branin Natatorium, 1715 Harrison Ave NW, Canton, OH 44708 (Next to the Pro Football Hall of Fame).

STARTING TIMES: Both Saturday and Sunday morning session warm-ups will be 7:45 – 8:30 a.m., with competition starting at 8:35 a.m . Afternoon warm-up will begin 15 minutes after the conclusion of the morning session. The afternoon approximate starting times will be posted on www.lakeerieswimming.com by Wednesday, May 30, 2012.

ENTRY FEES: Individual events $4.00, relays $8.00,  plus a $2.00 per swimmer LESI surcharge. There is also a $3.00 team charge.

ENTRY LIMITATIONS: Swimmers may enter four individual events/day exclusive of relays.

ADMISSION COST: $3.00 per spectator, Psych Sheets $2.00 

If you would like to pick your swimmer's events, go to http://neonswim.com/neon_005.htm, and click on "CCS Age Group." It will download a Word document which will contain all the meet information listed above, in addition to the event listings towards the end of the document.

If you have ANY questions, please do not hesitate to leave a comment on here or ask one of the coaches before of after practice.

Hope to see everyone in Canton! Let's go NEON!

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